The symptoms of food allergy may be delayed or chronic so it will be hard to diagnose non IgE mediated or even mixed IgE and non IgE mediated food allergy
Skin Prick test and specific IgE are not useful in diagnosing non IgE mediated food allergy
short term elimination are effective in diagnosing if symptoms relieved
after that food challenge can be used
some times clinical Hx and elimination of diet only are effective in diagnosis especially in cases of FPIEC as food challenge may be difficult
Should cross reacted food also avoided?
it depends:
if milk ... mostly other mammalian milk cause the same allergy
most patients with egg or milk allergy tolerate them in baked form .... so food challenge can determine that.
foe wheat allergy :
other gluten containing cereals may or may not cause allergy so individual assessment is essential
Soy.. products containing soy sometimes do not cause allergy like refined soy oil and soy lecithen
allergy from peanuts may need to avoid also tree nuts because of cross reactivity and cross contamination but also individual assessment is better than blanket avoidance, unneceesary avoidance may lead to food allergy later on.
the patient should be reevaluated, the symptoms may disappear and the food may be reintroduced again, milk and eggs allergy resolves in late childhood, peanut and tree nuts mostly persistent but also should be periodically evaluated.
Food allergy is more common in children than adults, milk,eggs, soy, wheat, peanut
all contain essential nutrients may trigger nutritional risk for children
children on restricted diet, have lower growth, micro and macronutrients than normal children. especially those who have allergy to more than one type of food.
How can health professionals minimize exclusion of multiple foods?
taked a detailed clinical HX
avoid testing for tolerated foods
remove only food which are for sure allergic
elimination of more than one type of food in children affect growth
a large number of food allergies due to deficient nutrient intake
advantages of elimination diet:
improve nutritional statues dt absence of GI symptoms
disadvantages of elimination diet:\
nutritional def
behavioral and psycological problems such as refusal of food, picky eating
Cow's milk:
source of Ca and Vit D, also protein and fat in children.
supplemental substitute formal is recommended over the cow's milk substitue in children leass than 2 years
when adequate volumes are not taken euther from the formula or the milk substitute, may lead to def. Ca, vit D. selenium etc
Wheatsources of Energy, riboflavin , thiamin and niacin
also whole wheat is source of fiber so aonstipation may occur
although micronutrients are important, the most common complications are protein and energy malnutrtion
use rice or almond milk without sufficient amount may cause hypoalbuminemia
adults with food allergy may not hve nutritional def like children but should be screened and supplemented with vit D , B vitamins , calcium and omega 3 fatty acids
to follow up with lab tests and see if there are any nutritional def from elimination diet:
Comprehensive metabolic panel ( Albumin, total ptn, electrolyts, blood urea nitrogen and creatinine)
Vit D serum (25 hydroxy Vit D)
serum ferritin, iron and total iron binding capacity
the dose of vit and mineral supplement depends on whethrt it is prescribed to mmet needs or to correct def
make sure that they are from from allergens
To calculate DRI of any nutrients for any person:
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